I am a huge home automation enthusiast and things around my house "smart" with Home Assistant! Here are some of my recent posts
Continuing the Bill series, this guide will show you how to import data from BC Hydro's web portal to know your electrical consumption and much more!
This guide shows how you can import data from FortiBC's AccountOnline system directly into Home Assistant by reading data of directly of the web portal.
A guide to making your standard garage opener smart™ using Home Assistant, MeatPi's WiCan Device and a few tricks.
Windows 8.1 Metro App written in C# co-developed by myself with credits to Mutahir Kazmi
for UI design.
The application converts a song to .wav format, performs a Fast Fourier Transform on the
stereo channels
to filter vocals by targeting frequencies present in both channel. It then allows you
to record your own vocals
and converts audio back into the time domain and embeds then on the track.
Here are some sample recordings:
Accidentally in Love - Counting Crows
End Has Only Begun - Lifehouse
Originally written for my Distributed Systems Class at UBC for Dr Ivan Beschastnikh to log and visualize traces in distributed systems. Now an open sourced library that allows users to perform vector clock logging in distributed systems in real time. Compatible with Go 1.4+.
Kraken is a distributed fault tolerant brute-force WiFi password cracking tool with the server written Java Spring. It allows to parallelize password list and rule based cracking across multiple machines to create a cluster of crackers. Kraken clients can run on Unix, Mac, Windows or directly within the browser.